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Companies that are changing the way education is being delivered to students

5 education firms that have brought a unique teaching methodology in the learning space to impart education- Featuring Worldview Education

Calling Gen Z: Why you need Worldview's ongoing interactive sessions to lend insight into gender diversity, global citizenship

Worldview wanted to help Gen Z discover the answers to the new problems plaguing the world today. That's where Gen Z Solvers Interactive comes in. It is a series of online sessions with various field experts to gain insight into all the questions that we have been asking ourselves lately.

Students create dolphin statue, vertical garden entirely with plastic waste from around their school

The idea for working on this project triggered off in the students' minds during their recent participation in the FutureSake Sustainable Habitats Program.

Worldview Education: Grooming for global citizenship

Experiential learning has been the buzzword across institutions for many years now. Worldview Education goes beyond practical learning of subjects at schools or colleges, and encourages learning and application on-site.

UNODC Launches ‘Education 4 Justice’ Initiative To Promote SDGs In India, Partners With Worldview Education

UNODC, through its Regional Office for South Asia (UNODC-ROSA), has partnered with Worldview Education to promote Education for Justice (E4J) among schools in India

1600 participants Act to Create Impact: HMUN India’s 2018 Conference Was all About Finding Solutions

At the core of this conference’s theme was a focus on the impact that participants can have beyond the conference.

Do children spend enough time outdoors?

The world is on the move and today, it is moving faster than ever. As we enter the 4th industrial revolution; a time of cutting-edge technologies and ground-breaking innovations; young students, referred to as Generation-Z or GenZ are amidst fast-changing times which will feature both unprecedented uncertainties and unparalleled possibilities.
Water Stewardship in Schools- Coca-Cola India & Worldview Education
The Water Stewardship in Schools program is an initiative for Generation-Z to learn, understand and implement action-oriented solutions for water conservation with the school as the influence zone.

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Samriddha Ghosh
Director - Technology
+91 9963426934
Aditya Soma
Executive Director & CMO
+91 8886999988