Our approach to Universal Wellness

If we are to combat the ignorance that stems from disconnection with each other and our planet, we need practices that can kindle a new sense of community stemming from individual growth.

Our relationships - with ourselves, with others, with ideologies, with external elements - shape our lives. They envelope us and give us the impetus to forge and reforge who we are. With so many things vying for our attention, to improve the quality of these relationships requires more deliberate effort than ever before. A lot of practices currently in vogue to help one achieve this have roots in mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga. Therefore, individuals seek out guides and leaders or turn to human wisdom that has accrued through the centuries in the hopes of finding their zen. Organisations structure wellness programs and offer retreats or corporate training programs that focus on personal development designed to cater to business goals. Within the nebulous frameworks of this wellness industry, millions have benefitted. And yet, our relationships with the wider mass of humanity and our ecology remains broken. Our narrow definition of wellness as a tool for self-development is no longer sufficient to navigate a world in flux. 

At Worldview, our definition of wellness is rooted in introspecting on the shared experiences that connect all living beings. It is an acknowledgement that our ancestral legacy, our ecological systems, our interpersonal relationships, and our wider goals all need to be observed and understood in order to arrive at compassionate equanimity. We do this by facilitating introspective human experiences focused on Food, Forest & Fitness - three seemingly simple, but fundamental aspects of our lives. Each of these dimensions offers seekers the paths and context to better understand themselves and thus the wider world. 

Using these dimensions, we deliver programs designed to engage the full range of human senses and invite participants to explore what it means to be fully present. Instead of joining something prescriptive, participants enter environments that encourage them to push the limits of their consciousness. Through physical and virtual experiences, participants trace their shared human roots to understand the genesis of the art they enjoy, the food they consume, the work they do and the habitats they live in. By examining their relationships with these artefacts, they gain another lens to understand not just the genesis of their beliefs and traditions but also how this knowledge can be applied to their lives. By focusing on the interconnectedness of all living beings, participants learn to acknowledge the reciprocal relationships that have nourished them throughout their lives. This deliberate, multi-dimensional exploration of their consciousness and the world around them allows participants to develop a more inclusive understanding of the world and their role within it - and precipitates their understanding of the anthro-ecological equilibrium we call Universal Wellness.

The price we have paid to come as far as we have as a species can no longer be ignored. If we are to combat the ignorance that stems from disconnection with each other and our planet, we need practices that can kindle a new sense of community stemming from individual growth. Through our universal wellness initiatives, we hope to provide participants the knowledge and platform that spurs the growth of their human consciousness.